It was so much fun, being up there on that hill, the Upper Viewing Area, in Sunrise, WY. So many folks showed up, plus there were so many of those who were already in town all weekend. A few hundred lucky people got to see the Total Solar Eclipse from a very special location, an old western mining town! It was thrilling for us all to view the Sun that weekend, and to immerse ourselves in the PowerPoint presentations about the eclipse. I was honored to be included in the activities and to bring my hobby to the event. Thanks to Josie Voight, Jaren, John and all their family for all the help and support!
The Great American Eclipse of 2017 was my FIRST adventure into the zone of Totality. While totality is a personal experience that is highly emotional for any individual, the partial phases of the eclipse are superb when viewed in a hydrogen alpha solar telescope. These are my images of the partial phases of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017. Check back often as I'll be adding MORE pictures and video clips to this page.